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The 5-Step Small Guide to Build Your B2B Marketing Plan
01 June 2020

The 5-Step Small Guide to Build Your B2B Marketing Plan


According to a study, a whopping 93% of B2B marketers use email marketing. Even another study claims that emails are regarded as the second most effective method for customer acquisition after Search Engine Optimization. With a lot of trust still on this digital form of marketing, planning and strategizing for the same also needs to be addressed with caution.

And designing your email marketing plan is not a cakewalk. You need to intelligently craft a series of emails and it’s not matter of a single email that can persuade them to buy your product or service offerings.  

  • You need to make sure that with the first email itself you don’t stress on selling.
  • Rather make it an interesting one by providing valuable information, particularly something with the type of problems they face.
  • Segment your target audience in a way that guides them to take decision.

Developing a B2B email marketing plan in line with your business’s goals and vision is essential. You need to have a conceptual clarity that would aid you to craft better emails in future.

Let’s look at the five key steps that would help you in creating your email marketing plan.

Here we go,


Step 1 – Understand Your Target Audience

In B2B domain, the rule of thumb is to understand who your target businesses are. It’s essential to know everything about your target businesses like what challenges they face and how your product and service can help them.

Analyze the type of emails your target audience prefer. Even watch out for the words they click and act upon. You should closely monitor their approach towards your emails. What CTAs perform better and why.


Step 2 – Define your Target Customer Persona

You need to know your target businesses from head to toe – what challenges they face, how they can be dealt and what are the solutions that you can offer them. You even need to work on getting details about the size of the company, the number of employees they have, the persons involved in making the purchase related decisions – their job titles, their roles and how do they deal with your solution offering.

All this information helps you in knowing whether you are heading in the right direction and is your solution is capable enough to solve their problems.


Step 3 – Create Measurable Goals

Unlike other marketing goals you need to create measurable goals for email marketing too. It is essential to create goals that are measurable, specific, realistic and time-bound. Identifying which goals are to be set is ideally important as in measuring the success.

Best practices suggest that being a marketer you should define your goals the SMART way. As in,

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant



Step 4 – It’s Safe to Plan a Step Ahead

You need to plan for things well ahead when drafting your email campaign. Ensure you have communicated the same message down the team on what you want to achieve with the email campaign. This would ensure the same level of understanding and avoid confusions in future.

  • Don’t just judge the campaign success analyzing the click-through rates. Gauge on how many customers moved ahead in the buying process.
  • Follow A/B testing and analyze which points worked better and which can be improved by tweaking the email copy and landing pages.
  • Customize the email campaigns as per the audiences.



Step 5 – Strongly Analyze What Worked and What Was a Miss

The process isn't over when you are done with the planning part. You need to carefully analyze your campaign. What was a hit and what can be improved. If you aren’t achieving the results you need, to re-plan and think what went wrong and why.

Interpret the reasons behind low click-through rates, open rates, conversions and high bounce rates. Get your email subject lines improved, more focused and engaging email copy, action-provoking CTA texts.


You need to take time and measure your email campaign’s performance on a timely basis. This would not only help you in identifying and improving the weak areas but also make sure you stay ahead of your competitors.


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